INAS Committees

Board or Directors:
The board is responsible for overall policy and direction of the association and delegating responsibility of day-to-day operations to the staff and committees.

Executive Committee:
The four officers of the board serve as members of the Executive Committee along with the chairpersons of the standing committees. Except for the power to amend the Articles of Incorporation and bylaws, the Executive Committee shall have the powers and authority including financial decisions within the approved budget (within a maximum spending allowance set by the board) in the intervals between meetings of the board of directors. The executive committee shall operate under the direction and control of the board.

Finance Committee:
The treasurer is the chair of the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee is responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures, fundraising plans, and the annual budget with staff and other board members. The board must approve the budget and all expenditures must be within budget. Any major change in the budget must be approved by the board. The fiscal year shall be the calendar year. Annual reports shall be prepared according to best practices and submitted to the board. The financial records of the organization are public information and shall be made available to the membership, board members, and the public.
– Develop an annual operating budget.
– Prepare the budget within the finance committee and present to the board for approval.
– Monitor adherence to the budget.
– Set long-range financial goals along with funding strategies to achieve them.
– Develop multi-year operating budgets that integrate strategic plan objectives and initiatives.
– Present all financial goals and proposals to the board of directors for approval.
– Perform an internal audit and ensure regulatory compliance.

Election Committee:
shall be responsible for overseeing the nomination process, collecting nominations from the association members, as well as life members of the Board in case of vacancies in accordance with Sections 2, 4 and 8 of Article VII.

IT Committee:
The IT Manager is the chair of the IT committee. The IT Committee will be:
– Supervising INAS Platform (office 365) technical operations.
– Providing technical support to INAS members and departments.
– Securing communication and protect INAS data.

Marketing Committee:
The marketing manager is the chair of the marketing committee. The marketing committee is responsible for promoting INAS activities and services internally and externally by:
– Marketing INAS goals, Mission and Vision
– Recruiting new members
– Branding INAS’ image
– Developing Marketing Material
– Organizing, promoting, and running of events for INAS or on its behalf
– Submitting reports at BOD meetings

Communications Committee:
The chairman of the Communications Committee is appointed by the board. The committee selects its officers. The Communications Committee shall be responsible for developing the communications policies and regulations for INAS including:
– Newsletter
– Internal and external emails
– Social media content and accounts management
– Official communications
– INAS Brand (email signature, INAS logo etc …)
– Selection of communication languages
– Webinars
– Media content
– Website content
– Videos
– Copyrights

Liaison Committee:
The tasks of the Liaison Committee are to communicate with the Algerian elites across the world to join INAS to contribute to improving the level of education and research in Algeria.

Human Resources (HR) Committee:
The chairman of the HR Committee is appointed by the board. The committee selects its officers. The Membership Committee shall:
– Manage INAS members database.
– Organize events (Onboarding & Townhall).
– Provide monthly report on the new members who joined INAS
– Supervise the orientation of new members.
– Recruit new members to standing committees.
– Manage promotion and resignation of INAS members database.

Project Management & Strategic Planning Committee:
The chairman of the Project Management & Strategic Planning Committee is appointed by the board. The committee includes all project leads and it deals with:
– Continuous progress monitoring of projects
– Incorporating new projects
– Identifying projects needs
– Liaising with support teams
– Organizing and supporting events
– Reporting to the Executive Committee

Development Committee:
The Development manager is the chair of the development committee. The development committee is responsible for
– working closely with finance Committee to set the target budget to be collected
– Develop a plan of action to generate a revenue stream and financial resources for a short & long term.
– Work with finance to set Membership amount and levels.
– Collect the dues from members (by calling or emails)
– Work with marketing team to send gifts to gold members or donors.
– Contact big donors and institutions.

Social Media Committee:
The social media team is responsible for promoting INAS content in social media channels, this includes:
– Scheduling, posting and managing publications
– Answering users’ messages and questions
– Collaborating with the marketing team for providing high quality content
– Managing comments during online events and activities
– Enhancing the interactivity of members within the internal platform of INAS
– Analyzing insights
– Presenting regular reports to the Executive Committee and/or the BOD.

Publications Committee:
The chairman of the Publications Committee is appointed by the board. The committee selects its officers.
The publication committee shall be responsible for reviewing and publishing white papers for Algerian students and scientist in Algeria and worldwide. It will encourage and inspire ideas and advance the academic standards in Algeria.

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