
you want to see in your community…  

Let us stand hand-in-hand to raise the level of our Universities to meet worldwide standards of quality in pursuit of the three key missions: research, teaching, and service, where graduates will be effective leaders in their chosen professions, valued members and responsible citizens of their communities. 


Restore the University’s primary role which is the opportunity to reflect on the critical, social and economic issues facing the population, which contributes mainly to national development through dissemination of specialized knowledge and skill. This can be done first by increasing awareness regarding the proposed solutions to restore the University primary role and second improve the Quality System of Education by processing international accreditation of programs and Institutions.

Problem Definition

The qualities of Higher Education and Research in Algeria have experienced significant degradation for over more than 20 years….Several factors: Lack of curriculum updates; absence of recognized programs and/or a university meeting on high standards criteria, to name a few…

Gap Analysis

Education allowed Budgets: Algeria 4.3% of GDP; Morocco 5.4 %, Tunisia 6.6%, and Botswana 7.2%. Algeria Universities ranked 600-1000… Action Needed: list all types of challenges and obstacles (social, technical, financial,…) that may prevent or hinder the implementation of a good quality system of education. Find out key success factors that are used by developed countries to make their Education a success.


High caliber and distinguished Academics, Scientists, Doctors and Engineers active both inside and outside Algeria; High level of awareness; Large national and private companies for graduate training and internships as well as sources of research projects; Algeria occupies a strategic position with regard to European countries as well as the US & Canada with sizeable successful Algerian diaspora, etc…


Steps for Processing Academic Accreditation:
(1) Identifying a program/or institution as a small pilot project,
(2) Proposal at the level of Higher Ministry,
(3) Conduct awareness workshops at universities,
(4) Identify programs/universities benchmarks,
(5) Develop mission and goals to meet benchmarks,
(6) Develop curriculums,
(7) Develop teaching methods,
(8) Faculty-Student academic exchange online platforme level of Higher Ministry, 

Project leader

- Idriss Bedja (SA)
- Rabea Cheggou, co-leader (DZ)

Team members

- Sofiane Gassis (DZ)
- Abdelouahed Benghanem (DN)
- Malek Brahimi (US)
- Omar Laghrouche (UK)
- Ali Ragoub (US)

Project Stage


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